Project Settings -》 packaging -》 Packaging选项中,有多个设置项来设置打包时要排除或者包含的文件夹,比如:设置哪些目录不参与cook,以及哪些目录在打包时需要拷贝进来的目录(比如与UE4的文件IO API无关的配置文件等等)
Adding custom files to the Android content.
On UE 4.7.3 I found a better solution.
On Android I'm using a PathToAndroidPaths function fromEngine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Android\AndroidFile.cpp
On IOS I'm using a ConvertToIOSPath function from Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\IOS\IOSPlatformFile.h
On PC I'm using a FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull function fromEngine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc\Paths.h
Most of those function are private, so I made a new, public function that use them for converting relative path to the absolute one.
The ConvertRelativePathToFull from FPaths works correctly only for PC, it doesn't return correct absolute paths for mobile devices.
Additional Asset Directories not Copied to Packaged Build